Any car accident can be traumatic for those involved—especially the victims if they suffer serious injuries. The crash would have happened quickly, and the people involved in it may not remember important details. The negligent driver could have a completely different version of what happened, trying to show he was not at fault in causing the accident or that the injured driver’s compensation should be reduced due to comparative negligence. Eyewitnesses can be extremely helpful in these situations.
How Witnesses Can Help in a Car Accident Claim
Witnesses are important long before a victim’s case goes to trial and may convince a reluctant insurance adjuster to offer a more favorable settlement. Ways witnesses can help a victim’s case include:
Witnesses can help prove the circumstances of the accident, including how it was caused. They may remember details that the parties to the accident don’t recall.
Independent witnesses who do not know either party may be especially persuasive to a jury or insurance company because they have no bias or relationship with either party that could influence their testimony.
Even if they were not present at the accident, witnesses can help corroborate the extent of the victim’s injuries and how they have affected the person’s day-to-day activities.
Three Ways to Identify Potential Witnesses
Often, the driver and his passengers in a vehicle accident are unable to talk to eyewitnesses to the crash due to the severity of their injuries. However, witnesses can be identified after the accident. Ways to locate potential witnesses include:
Returning to the accident scene. By returning to the scene of the crash, a person can talk to people who live or work nearby that may have seen what happened and could have information regarding other accidents that occurred there.
Obtain the police report. The police report should be reviewed as soon as possible after the crash. It may contain the names and contact information for eyewitnesses and a summary of what was witnessed.
Find witnesses through talking to other witnesses. When talking to people who witnessed the accident, the accident victim may discover other witnesses—such as people who were there with the witness—who can also corroborate what occurred.
If you were injured in a car accident caused by another driver, you need an experienced car accident attorney to help you locate witnesses and convince reluctant witnesses to testify. Fill out our online form to schedule a free no-obligation consultation to learn how we may be able to assist you.
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